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Change is Inevitable

Change is constant. Change is the flow of life. Change is inevitable. We grow from being a newborn to an infant, from an infant to a toddler, from a toddler to a preschooler, from a preschooler to a gradeschooler, from a gradeschooler to a teen and finally from a teen to an adult. We go through these stages consciously and subconsciously.

I remember not liking change. My comfort zone was my safe space and anything that tried to invade that space became a challenge and with challenges, came resistance. Whether it was a relationship ending or having to find a new job or having to move to a new residence, it scared me and fear can be paralyzing. Even when those situations weren't good for me, staying there was safe because it was what I knew. The irony of it all, was that I had adapted to these situations without realizing that I had to accept change in order to be in them. Safe spaces can be good in certain situations but when we make them so airtight it can hender us and life can become stagnant.

I am a firm believer that the Ancestors are constantly guiding us and giving us a nudge when we need it whether we asked for it or not. I remember I was listening to Lauryn Hill's MTV Unplugged album one day and she said something on one of the interludes that jolted me; "If you're not growing, you're dead." It made me realize that change is evolution and that I had been in constant change my entire life. Physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I also became aware that in every stage of my life, I had evolved just a little bit more into something greater.

Acceptance to change takes courage. It makes you look fear in the eye and it makes us move. Everything in this world is constantly vibrating, evolving and moving. Even the cells in our bodies. Remember, "If you're not growing, you're dead." Why not be joyful about the unknown? It's such a blessing to be alive. When we wake up each day, it's time to be renewed and be present with a new change because we are not the same as we were the day before.

Change is constant. It is the flow of the Universe and we are made up of the same molecules and particles that makes the Universe magical. Embrace the magic. Be in the flow of change. It is inevitable.

Be Love.

Be loved.

Be in the flow.

Love always,


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