About Us
Beloved Reiki was founded by Certified Reiki Practitioner Jalina Evans with the mission to assist clients in the healing of both physical and non-physical trauma on their personal and lifelong journey of growth and development.
The use of the Japanese stress reduction technique aids the body’s natural healing abilities and empowers one to reveal their own loving and authentic truth.
Beloved Reiki Promise Beloved Reiki is committed to helping others through the power of gentle touch. You’ll be greeted with a soothing environment, healing sounds, along with great aromas of incense, sage and Palo Santo, as you are uplifted to greater levels of peace and joy. You’ll leave feeling relaxed, with a deep sense of calm as weight is lifted from your body.
Beloved Reiki invites you to experience an energy healing with a touch of love.
Through Reiki you are loved.
Find out more about the history, practice and benefits of Reiki here.
Jalina Evans, Certified Reiki Practicioner
After reading a Reiki for beginners book, some years ago, Jalina easily made the connection between trauma and its impact on an individual’s physical and emotional state through energy. For Jalina, Reiki confirmed what she learned years ago -- energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but it can be changed. This realization led Jalina to a basic understanding of the duality of science and spirituality and ultimately to the practice of Reiki.
In January 2020 Jalina found the confidence to get attuned in Reiki and is now a Certified First and Second Degree Reiki Practitioner under the Usui/Holy Fire Reiki system of healing. Jalinia considers the certification one of the best decisions she’s made for herself because it has aided in her personal healing while furthering her development as a humble servant to others. Jalina became a certified Reiki practitioner to assist with healing of both physical and non-physical trauma.
Jalina’s personal mantra has become: “I heal myself so that I may heal others.”